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Hobart Hammer On #1

Sat, 02 Apr


Area 52

2000pt One Day Age of Sigmar Tournament

Tickets are not on sale
See other events
Hobart Hammer On #1
Hobart Hammer On #1

Time & Location

02 Apr 2022, 9:00 am – 6:30 pm

Area 52, 104 Elizabeth St, Hobart TAS 7000, Australia

About The Event

Payment details: $20 on the day 

Contact Mitch Baskys for details.

Army lists: 

Lists will not be collected for the event, you must make sure that your list is correct and you have a copy available for your opponent.

Best Coast Pairings: 

Best Coast Pairings will be used to managed the event, rounds and scoring. You can register before the event, on the day, or be added in manually by the TO if needed.

Game related things: 

  • The latest FAQs and Books released before the day will be used for the event. 
  • Missions to be released on the day (to build the suspense!) 
  • All missions will be drawn from the Generals Handbook 2022 battlepack. 
  • Mysterious Terrain rules will be used, and terrain will be pre-generated before the 1st round.


Scoring and pairing will be random in round 1, and based on Swiss W/L/D, battle points (VP) and strength of schedule for subsequent rounds.

Awards will be given for: 

  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
  • Best Painted 
  • Favourite opponent 
  • Bingo master

General things: 

If the TO is talking, they’re probably saying something important.

If the call for dice down is made, it means dice down, the game ends for good or bad. Remember it's up to both players to keep the game moving along. The call will be made at the 10-minute mark for players to "look toward even turns", this means if a game looks to be ending with uneven turns having been played to considered finishing the game up, any games that in this state, when dice down is called will roll back to the end of the last full turn

A note on the TO playing: 

The TO will be playing in the event. To avoid any conflicts of interest a judge will also assist in making rules calls during the event. If there is an uneven number of players, a “bye” will be randomly drawn in the first round, and as part of the ladder in following rounds. Anyone drawn on the bye will automatically win their round with no battle points awarded. This means its not possible to win the event if you draw a bye.

If you have any concerns about this, please raise them with the TO.

“I love this hobby and the game, and I run events because I want to see more occur and to help build our community. However, it’s my hobby not my job. I run events because they’re things I want to play in, not just watch.” – Mitch B, TO


Arrival: 9.00am 

Game 1: 9.15am-12.00pm 

Lunch: 12.00pm-12.30pm 

Game 2: 12.30pm-3.15pm 

Game 3: 3.15pm- 6.00pm 

Awards, Pack up: 6:00pm-6.30pm


These will be run as competitive events for friendly people. Don't be “THAT” person or you won't be welcome back.


Painting will not be required for the event however its always better to play with a painted army. To encourage fully painted forces, lucky door prizes will be drawn for those with fully painted armies (battle ready standard) in addition to the best painted.

The Bingo Meta: 

This event will see the return of the vaunted gaming bingo. Knock off five items in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line to win a lucky dip prize. (one prize max per participant).

After the shocking developments in the Bingo Meta after the last event, an additional award. The first to complete all bingo challenges, or failing that, the most complete lines will be declared the Bingo Master and awarded a special prize.

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