VIC GT 2023
Sat, 18 Mar
|The Bendigo CLub
2000 points, 2 days, 5 rounds, 64 competitors.
Time & Location
18 Mar 2023, 9:00 am AEDT – 19 Mar 2023, 5:00 pm AEDT
The Bendigo CLub, 22 Park St, Strathdale VIC 3550, Australia
About The Event
VIC GT is back!
2000 points, 2 days, 5 rounds, 64 competitors.
This page doubles as both player pack and ticket booth so check back periodically to make sure you're up to date with the latest info.
FAQ/House Rules
BOC and Gitz FAQs will be in play.
- Units of endrinriggers or skywardens can use their grapnel launchers to exit a boat. Â No Tunnel Master Â
- Units embarked on a boat count as having made the same move as the boat. Â If it is relevant they can use the same charge roll as the boat. Â EG: Â The Tuskhelm on a KO heroÂ
- Units embarked on a vessel that runs or retreats cannot shoot or charge unless specifically noted in an abilityÂ
- Skywardens cannot use their timed charges while embarkedÂ
- No moving after using the combat landing ability means no movement of any kindÂ
- The thing with leadership of the alpha and receiving two command abilities on a boat works, go crazy.Â
- A boat that has been transported by a Soulscream bridge counts as having moved for the purposes of disembarking
Lists are to be submitted via Stats & Ladders by 8:00pm Saturday the 11th of March. Lists are to be submitted in plain text, copied from WARSCROLL BUILDER or the WH AoS app. If a list is incorrectly submitted you will be asked to resubmit it.
Lists will be published for peer review allowing the wider community to rule-check and raise any potential issues with builds or army mechanics allowing the TO to make decisions well in advance of the tournament. Note: No names will be published with the lists so don't worry about your public image getting damaged if you make a mistake. The TO will contact you privately and ask you to ammend your list if needed.
Models are to be strictly WYSIWYG. Conversions, scratch builds and 3rd party models are allowed providing they accurately represent what they are meant to be and have been cleared by the TO prior to the event. If the model you intend to use is not the GW model represented on the Warscroll it must be cleared with the TO. If you have a heavily modified or unusual model, please send a picture to for approval. Its better to be safe than sorry! Rather than using a painting rubric it is expected that all models in use meet the minimum standard outlined below (or better). Every single model that you use during the tournament, including summoned models, must be ‘Battle Ready' and based. Battle ready means everything is base coated and shaded, or have been painted with contrast. Full contrast armies are fine. Showing white primer is not. Bases should be textured or painted a solid colour. Unpainted models will be removed from the table.
Paint and sports scores will not be used to determine final points. Player scores will be limited to how well you play the game. The anti-submarine (depth charge) scoring system will be in play:Â
- Win Score = 10 points minus 1 point for the number of rounds you've lost so far in the tournament.
- Draw = 5 points
- Loss = 0 points
No minors are in play. You either win, lose or draw with your opponent.Â
- First tie breaker will be strength of schedule.Â
- Second tie breaker will be best opponent votes.
Stats & Ladders will be used for scoring, voting and pairings throughout the tournament. You will need to register at before the event. This registration is free.
Rounds will last for 2 Hours 45 minutes. Slow-playing is highly discouraged and repeat offenders may be penalised at the TO's discretion. Chessclocks are encouraged but not mandatory. If both players agree, then you are allowed to use them.  There will be a small amount available to use, feel free to bring your own. For guidance on the use of chess clocks please see here.
If your time runs out before the game ends, you are only able to roll saves. No movement, attacking, casting spells etc.Â
Terrain will be pre set and pre-rolled on each table. At the start of each round, players can pivot, or move them the minimum distance to ensure objective markers are flat on the table.
First, Second, Third and Spoon
Awarded to the three players who have the highest tournament points accumulated and the person who comes dead last.
Best Opponent (+ 2 sports acknowledgements)
Each player will be asked to nominate who their favourite (Primary), and second favourite (secondary) opponents were over the tournament via Stats & Ladders. The winner will be the player who has the most primary votes. Tie breakers will be based on secondary votes.
Coolest Army – Players Vote (+ 2 runners up)
The TO will create a shortlist of armies which they think are great. These shortlisted players will be asked to then set up their armies at the lunch break on day two. Each player will then have a chance to inspect those armies and vote on their favourite via Stats & Ladders.
Best Painted - Judges decision
- Big model (monster size)Â
- Small model (hero or unit champ, mounted or unmounted)Â
- Unit up to 20 models
Saturday night out TO Pat will be hosting a trivia night at the venue. Teams of 6 will compete for first dibs on the prize showcase. Trivia will run from 8:00pm until late.
Lunch will be provided on day 2 as the kitchen at the venue is closed. As always you are welcome to organise your own food if you prefer.
30 minutesDoors open
2 hours 45 minutesRound 1 - Position over Power
Player Registration
For tournament competitors
$80.00Sold Out
This event is sold out