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Sat, 19 Aug


Nerang River Plaza

Goldcon 2023

GoldCon returns!

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Goldcon 2023
Goldcon 2023

Time & Location

19 Aug 2023, 9:00 am – 20 Aug 2023, 6:00 pm

Nerang River Plaza, 53 Station St, Nerang QLD 4211

About The Event

GoldCon is back and bigger than ever! Will you answer the call to war? It’s time to get that army painted and on the table as we return to the Gold Coast (the sunny place for shady people). This 64-player event is open to all players no matter level, faction, or realm you reside in. Over 2 days you will do battle against 5 legendary opponents to see who will become the new King or Queen of the Gold Coast.

Facebook event page here:


  • 2-day Age of Sigmar event
  • 64 players
  • 2000 points Matched Play
  • 5 rounds (3 rounds day 1, 2 rounds day 2)

TOURNAMENT ORGANISER Your Tournament Organisers for this event will be Nicole and Scott Wyatt a.k.a Warhammer Mum and Dad.

If you have any questions or queries, feel free to reach out to us via email at or Facebook (should be easy to find).

DATE Saturday 19th August and Sunday 20th August

VENUE The event will be making a return to its debut location at the Hinterland Hotel: 53 Station St, Nerang QLD 4211.

The function room is located underneath the main bar and gaming floor and will include a licenced bar for both days.

TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE Day One: 8:00 – 8:45 Venue opens, Set-up and Registration

8:45 – 9:00 Welcome and round generation

9:00 – 11:45 Round 1

11:45 – 12:30 Lunch & Armies on Display

12:30 – 3:15 Round 2

3:15 – 3:30 Break

3:30 – 6:15 Round 3

6:30 – 7:30 Lucky Door Prize Game and Giveaway

Day Two: 9:00 – 9:20 Registration

9:20 – 9:30 Welcome and round generation

9:30 – 12:15 Round 4

12:15 – 1:30 Lunch

1:30 – 4:15 Round 5

4:30 – 5:30 Wrap up and Presentations.

GAME TIMING This will be the first 2-day event in South-East Queensland using the new 2023-2024 General’s Handbook (GHB) so round times will be 2 hours and 45 minutes to allow everyone sufficient time to play. I will be making time announcements when you have 1 hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes and 5 minutes left in the battle round and will also make the round countdown clock available on the screens in the room to help keep you on track with your game. At the end of the round, I will call dice down and you will need to complete the current phase. I am encouraging players to discuss with each other and agree on a result based on the state of play. However, if this is not the case I will come over and decide the results of the match. If this cannot be determined by a few crucial dice rolls, I will defer to the score of the round where both players had both completed their turn to determine the winner and tournament points.

Chess clocks will not be mandatory at this tournament. However, you may use them if your opponent agrees to using one. No clocks will be available at the tournament so you will have to bring your own or source your own phone app.

LIST SUBMISSION Lists are to be submitted to Stats and Ladders. Lists must be formatted using either the AoS App or Warscroll Builder.

Lists MUST be submitted by Friday 11thAugust at 11:59pm. Each day that your list is late without sufficient reason will result in a 5 points deduction from your final battle score per day it is late.

You will need to have a registered account at to add yourself and your list to the tournament.

As a courtesy to your opponent, please make available over the weekend a paper or digital copy of your list that they can view before your game starts. Make sure that it contains all battalions, spells, prayers, artefacts, mount traits, command traits, and endless spells included in your army roster. It is your responsibility to check your opponent’s list before the game and ask any questions about it. But if you do have an issue, please notify the TO and they will rectify the situation quickly and fairly.


The most recent Battletome for each faction will be available to play AS LONG AS the Battletome has had a subsequent FAQ OR 4-weeks have passed since the battletome was released. If the 4-week deadline has passed, then house rules may be implemented to tackle any outstanding rules issues.

Any new battletomes released after Saturday 15thJuly will not be used at this event.

Updates (such as FAQs, White Dwarf and Pitched Battle Profiles) will be used at this event. However, any updates and changes after list submission (Saturday 6th August) will not be allowed.

SCORING This event will be using tournament software provided by Stats and Ladders that uses the Win/Loss/Draw system with a Victory Point differential as the first tiebreaker and second tiebreaker will strength of schedule. Maximum tournament points per round is 20 with a maximum of 100 tournament points for the event.

TERRAIN Terrain will be pre-set up on each table. At the start of the round, players may minimally move terrain pieces to ensure that objective markers are flat on the table. If there are issues with placing faction specific faction terrain, summon over so that the TO can make the adjustment for you.

Players will need to role for Mysterious Terrain (page 94) before the start of each round.

Some terrain pieces may be marked with either an “I”(Impassable), a “D”(Defensible) or an “O” (Obscuring). As a house rule, if a terrain piece is over 4 inches tall, it is Impassable.

BLOOD RULES/GRUDGES Blood rules will not be in effect for this event.

Grudges will be available for round 1 for players that accept the challenge. You will need to email the TO before Friday 11th August 11:59PM with the names of both players that want to grudge each other. The grudge will only be official once you have received confirmation from the TO.

PRIZES Trophies will be awarded to players in the following categories:

Warmaster of Legend Prize based on Tournament Points scored over the course of the tournament. Awarded to the 3 highest scoring, and 1 lowest scoring players who played all 5 rounds.

The Grand Alliance Champions Prize based on Tournament Points scored over the course of the tournament. Awarded to highest scoring players in each Grand Alliance (Death, Order, Destruction and Chaos) who played all 5 rounds. Players who received a Warmaster of Legend prize will not be eligible for this prize).

Artisan of Myth Prize based on nominations from assigned judges for the quality of painting. Awarded to the 3 highest nominated players.

Master of Coolness Prize based on nominations received from other players for coolest army at the tournament. Awarded to the 3 highest nominated players.

Paragon of Goodwill Prize based on nominations received from other players for excellent display of sportsmanship and behaviour displayed over the course of the tournament. Awarded to the 3 highest nominated players.

A variety of random door prizes will be on display that will be drawn and given away at the end of day 1. This is eligible for all players that attended the event and are present when their name is drawn.

PAINTING/MODEL STANDARD All models (including summoned units) must be fully assembled, on the correct sized based and painted to a battle standard as per the GHB (page 18-19).

Converted and 3D printed models will be allowed for this event as long as they have been cleared and accepted by the TO. In general, as long as the models you are using fit the following criteria, you should have no problem with them:

  • Accurately represent the GW model/warscroll that they are replacing,
  • Fits the theme and aesthetic of your army, and
  • They are not exact copies of currently purchasable GW models.

If you have any question or doubts, please contact the TO in the first instance.

SPORTSMANSHIP How you conduct yourself at the table can make or break games and players experiences at events. The Player’s Code in the GHB (page 57) outlines some good gaming etiquette if you have not had many games or attended many tournaments. However, any anti-social behaviour, bullying, intimidation, or cheating will not be tolerated and may result in you being asked to leave the event. Please be respectful of each other, the venue that we are being allowed to use for this event and the organisers who are putting this event on for you.

If you have any rules disputes, in the first instance discuss it with your opponent and consult the relevant rules (warscroll cards, Battletome, GHB, FAQ, White Dwarf etc.) and try to come to a resolution on your own. If you are not able to come to an agreement, call over the TO and they will make a ruling for you. The TO’s ruling on this is final.


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