Event Name: Lost Legion Geelong
Date: 19/11/2022
Location: Geelong, VIC
This was the Lost Legion's first tournament and they received very generous donations from Tyson Gleeson. To pass on the love they ran a raffle for a Slaves to Darkness collector box to raise funds for Movember and the community was overwhelmingly kind!
First Place: Pat Neven - Ogor Mawtribes - 4 Ironblasters (P.S. Pat played this list at Cancon before the glow up)
Second Place: Luca Foerster - Kharadron Overlords - Double Ironclad
Third Place: Joel McGrath - Stormcast - Karazri Hallowed Knights
Other Awards
Best Sports: Leigh Caruana
Coolest Army: Laslo Nedanovski (Player Choice) and Will Knight (Judged)
Ran top of each bracket: 4-1 Luca Foerster, 3-2 Ashley Ellis, 2-3 Lenny Bell, 1-4 Mike Johnson.